Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Breath Of Fresh Air, Why You Should Decant

This year Christmas came early for me when I was given my Christmas presents early.  As I sat opening my many attractively wrapped packages, the one that excited me and intrigued me the most was an attractive glass wine decanter.  Even though I am an avid drinker of red wine, it has never occurred to me in all my years that I should ever use one.  Usually I would just set an open bottle of red wine on the counter for a little while before finally drinking it.  However, after having used a wine decanter for the first time, I have decided that I will never go back to the old ways again!

A decanter is a vessel, usually made out of glass or lead crystal which is used to separate sediment from another vessel of liquid, for example red wine.  In this process, the sediment is left in a small amount of liquid in the original vessel, and the ''clear'' liquid remains in the decanter.  Decanting red wine, however, serves another purpose along with separation of the wine from the sediment and that is to oxygenate the wine.

Aeration or oxygenation is the process of adding oxygen to a liquid.  Why do this?  Well it's really quite simple and logical when you think about it.  Wine has been sealed in a vacuumed bottle for years therefore oxygenating wine takes the edge off and enhances the aromas and bouquet.  As we have learned in previous articles, aroma and bouquets are very important aspects to wine and without them at their full potential a bottle will just not taste as well as it should.

Decanting an old bottle of wine is quite simple if you keep in mind two steps.  Firstly, it is important to stand the bottle of wine up for several hours to allow the sediment to settle to the bottom of the bottle.  Why several hours?  While larger sediment will settle to the bottle quite quickly, finer sediment will take much longer.  In a well lit room or using a lamp or candle, slowly begin to pour the wine into the decanter.  Once you have roughly one third left in the bottle begin to look at the neck of the bottle for the sediment.  Place the candle or lamp near the neck of the bottle and once you begin to see sediment in the neck of the bottle, stop pouring.  The wine in your decanter should now be sediment free!

Some people say that it is not necessary to decant your everyday bottle of red wine.  While this might be true, I have found that there is no harm done in decanting anyway.  There might not be as much sediment in the bottle to separate or any at all, but the aeration will still do wonders for the flavour and aromas.  The best way to decant a young bottle of wine is to splash it into the decanter so that as much of the wine comes in contact with oxygen as possible.  Let the decanter sit for a moment to rest before serving.

So next time you think you will want some red wine with dinner, remember that while decanting is easy, it necessary to begin the decanting process several hours before to ensure you achieve the best aromas from the wine for consumption with your meal.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Which Beans To Choose For Cappuccino

How much do we really know about the coffee we drink every day?  Where does the coffee used in our cappuccino machines come from?  Next time you go into the kitchen to make a cappuccino take a look at the coffee packet and you might be surprised.  The number of coffee producing coffees is growing rapidly, and the differences between the types of coffee according to their origin, can be astounding.

Coffee produced in Columbia is, of course, known worldwide.  Although it is often used in mass produced supermarket coffees, there are a number of very fine Columbian grinds that should not be overlooked.  One example is La Esperanza, grown at over six thousand feet in Tolima.  Whilst the aroma of this particular coffee is likened to cherries, the taste contains an exquisite combination of chocolate and pipe tobacco tones.

Less well known are coffees from areas such as Hawaii.  A particular favorite from this island is Kona, which comes in a variety of roasts from light to espresso.  This particular coffee has a very low acidity which works beautifully with the powerful flavor of the dark espresso roast.

Continuing east on our coffee tour, we come to Africa, home to a number of superb coffee flavors.  In Tanzania, should you be brave enough to attempt an ascent of Kilimanjaro, you would find the unusually shaped Peaberry coffee bean.  The single oval bean results in a lighter coffee with a higher than average acidity.  Ethiopia is another crucial part of Africa’s coffee history.  A really unusual taste from the Yirgacheffe region mixes ginger and citrus peel to give an effect that is both sharp and chocolate like.

Our first taste of Asian coffee should probably be sampled in India.  The coffee beans that result from the humid and rainy months of the Monsoon Malabar are swollen and golden in color, producing a distinctive flavor and aroma of apricots.  Jumboor beans are another popular variety, which gives a raisin like flavor to the drink.  A lighter alternative can be found in Indonesia, where a sweet and flowery drink is made from beans in the Lake Toba region of Sumatra.

Another unusual location for coffee production is Jamaica, where the Peaberry, closely related to the African single bean of the same name, is made into a rich, intense drink with a sweet acidity and a range of floral tones.

Take a little time to find out what it is you like about your coffee and explore the possibilities available from the many coffee producing countries.  You may find a perfect African cup that satisfies in the morning, an American roast for your coffee break and an Asian delicacy to follow your evening meal.

Monday, June 28, 2010

What's Thanksgiving Without Pumpkin Pie?

Pumpkin pie is standard fare at most Thanksgiving feasts.  Many of us look forward to eating it for dessert once a year.  However, if you are tired of that thick, sweet piece of pie at the end of this already-filling meal, consider these interesting alternatives.

Pumpkin is a very nutritious fruit -- not a vegetable as most of us believe.  Its scientific name is ''cucurbita maxima'', which reflects the possibility of its ''maximum'' size.  In fact, The World Pumpkin Federation reports the largest pumpkin ever grown weighed more than 1,000 pounds!  There are about 26 varieties of pumpkin, ranging in color from bright orange to pale yellow and green.

You can find pumpkin mixed into soups, salads, main dishes, desserts (other than pies) and even drinks.  Here are a few different ideas to get your culinary juices flowing:  pumpkin soup, pumpkin ravioli, pumpkin-chicken chili, pumpkin risotto, pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin muffins, scones, cookies, bars and breads, pumpkin butter, pumpkin-pecan cheesecake, pumpkin beer, pumpkin fudge, and pumpkin creme brulee.  Recipes for these and many other pumpkin dishes are plentiful and readily available at your favorite online recipe site when you put ''pumpkin'' in the search box provided by the site.

And, if you want to start a new pumpkin tradition, roasted pumpkin seeds are easy-to-make and not as time-consuming as baking a pumpkin pie.  It is a fun multi-generational activity which can be enjoyed by children all the way up to senior citizens as your Thanksgiving Day unfolds.  Here are step-by-step directions:  Rinse the seeds in cold water and remove the pulp and fibers, then drain and blot dry.  Coat pumpkin seeds with melted butter or vegetable oil and sprinkle lightly with salt or your favorite seasoning.  Spread them on a baking sheet and roast at 300 degrees Fahrenheit for 20-30 minutes or until golden brown.  One four pound pumpkin will yield approximately two cups of seeds.

If you roast some of the seeds and plant others, next year you will have your very own pumpkin patch.  Then you can select from pumpkins you have grown for use in recipes, thereby starting another tradition for you and your family!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Try Cappuccino From Fair Trade Coffee Beans

Fair Trade Coffee is an organization that protects the laborers who work hard to bring you great coffee.  Fair Trade Coffee is produced a bit differently from regular beans, but still ensures that the beans are of the highest caliber.

In the United States people drink a lot of coffee, from cappuccino to espresso.  Most people couldn’t face a day without their morning cup, but most people have no clue how coffee is made.  Fair Trade Coffee helps bring information on this process to the many coffee drinkers in the U.S.

In the past many workers who toil to pick and plant the beans have been mistreated.  Fair Trade Coffee is made on plantations that have a great record for worker’s rights.  The working conditions have to be safe and the employees are paid a fair wage for their work.

Fair Trade coffee focuses on social and economic justice for coffee producers, while also bringing high quality coffee products to the U.S.  Those of use who are coffee types will enjoy knowing that their cappuccino consumption is helping others.  If the coffee is being produced under poor working conditions the organization will not certify the coffee beans.

Since so many workers suffer from poor conditions and inadequate pay, we should support Fair Trade Coffee by buying the coffee and still helps its workers.  Fair Trade Coffee holds the highest standards to its certification process making sure we know what we are getting.

Next time you are sipping on your espresso make sure you know that your coffee didn’t come from a ''sweatshop in a field''.  This refers to the farmers who own plantations where their workers are mistreated.  These farmers are paid poorly and mistreated.

You can find many Fair Trade Coffee suppliers that will fit the need of any coffee types!  You can get order off the Fair Trade Coffee website or find some in a shop near you.  You will feel good know you are doing what you can to help others!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Promising Reduction In Gastric Cancer Rates

The news is full of frightening statistics about cancer and other diseases.  From what we read and hear on television, we are led to believe that more and more people are being diagnosed with cancer and that more and more people are dying from it.

In some cases, this is true.  Incidences of and deaths from cancer have risen every year for the last fifty.  However, don't let this lead you to believe that no progress is being made.

Let's take a look at gastric cancer, for example.  Gastric cancers were once the leading cause of cancer death in the United States, and in many other countries, too.  However, since 1930, the incidence of and number of deaths related to gastric cancer have steadily decreased.

By 1994, gastric cancer was the eighth leading cause of cancer death in the US and the statistics appear to continue to be on the decline.  So, why are we seeing less gastric cancer today than before?  Well, the medical community doesn't appear to have made any definite conclusions, but there are some factors that are believed to be contributing to this promising trend.

The number one reason doctors believe that gastric cancer is on the decline is the higher consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables in our diet and the lower consumption of foods that are preserved by salt.  Years ago, refrigeration in the home was not common, so keeping fruits and vegetables at the ready was not easy.  And, it was common to preserve meats and some other foods with salt rather than freezing them.

When the ability to refrigerate and freeze foods in the home became commonplace, the American diet changed.  We began to eat more fruits and vegetables and freeze our meat instead of curing it.  So, how does this help reduce our risk of cancer?

Well, it's actually quite simple.  A diet rich in fruits and vegetables means a diet rich in anti-oxidants.  Each day, as we convert the foods we eat into energy, we create free radicals in our body.  These free radicals can damage our cells and our DNA.  Unchecked free radicals are believed to contribute to the development of cancer and other diseases.

Anti-oxidants are excellent at combating free radicals.  A diet rich in anti-oxidants is linked with preventing cancer, heart disease, cholesterol problems and a lower incidence of stroke.

So, if you're interested in reducing your risk of cancer, be sure your diet is rich in anti-oxidants on a daily basis.  Some of foods highest in anti-oxidants are:

  • Small Red Bean (dried)
  • Wild blueberry
  • Red kidney bean (dried)
  • Pinto bean
  • Blueberry (cultivated)
  • Cranberry
  • Blackberry
  • Prune
  • Raspberry
  • Strawberry
  • Apple
  • Pomegranate
  • Pecan
  • Sweet cherry
  • Black plum
  • Russet potato (cooked)
  • Black bean (dried)
  • Plum

So, if you want to improve your health, and reduce your risk of cancer, these fruits should be staples in your diet.  And, there's another way you can get your daily dose of anti-oxidants;  one you might not have thought of.

Green Tea is High in Anti-Oxidants

Green tea has been widely used in Asian cultures for centuries to prevent illness and to treat it, as well.  And, many recent studies have linked green tea with the prevention of cancer, and, in some cases have even found green tea to be helpful in the treatment of cancer.

Tea comes from the Camellia sinensis plant.  There are many different types of tea;  most of the differences come from the way the tea is processed.  Tea leaves contain very powerful anti-oxidants in their natural state.

Fermenting tea leaves, which is part of processing tea leaves for black tea, converts these catechins to other compounds and reduces their health benefits.  Therefore, green tea, because it is not fermented, retains more of its original anti-oxidants than black tea.

In every part of the world except Asia, black tea varieties are far more widely consumed than green tea.  And, black tea is healthy.  However, because green tea undergoes less processing, it far outranks black tea in its ability to provide anti-oxidants, and thereby, prevent disease.

Asian cultures have a far lower incidence of heart disease, stroke, high cholesterol and cancer.  And, while there are likely other cultural and environmental factors that contribute to their lower incidence of disease;  their high consumption of green tea is considered a significant factor.  In fact, in 1994 the Journal of the National Cancer Institute published the results of an epidemiological study indicating that drinking green tea reduced the risk of esophageal cancer in Chinese men and women by nearly sixty percent.

So, if you'd like to reduce your risk of developing cancer and other diseases that often plague us as we get older, eat and drink up.  Get your daily fill of fruits and vegetables.  And, wash it down with green tea!  You'll be doing your part to ensure you live a long and healthy life!

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Fight Against Breast Cancer:  Going Green

In the past few years, a number of women have turned to green vegetables in an effort to attempt to lower their risk of breast cancer.  With the disease affecting as many as one in eight American women, it is only natural that women look to natural remedies in an attempt to improve their odds in the fight against this all-too-prevalent kind of cancer.

Increasingly, though, researchers are looking to another green food in an effort to cut breast cancer risk -- green tea.  While black tea and chamomile tea have long been thought to soothe nerves and combat depression, it is green tea which is making headlines in the world of cancer research.

A number of animal and laboratory studies have shown that green tea can be highly effective in fighting tumors in the mammary tissues.  But only recently has the scientific community been able to address the effect of green tea on breast cancer in human beings.

A Case in Point

One significant study indicated that green tea extract prevents breast cancer cells from producing a chemical that leads to tumors.  University of Southern California researcher Anna H. Wu and her team noted the dietary and lifestyle choices of more than 500 women with breast cancer and nearly 600 women without cancer in Los Angeles.  The women were of Asian descent and ranged in age from 25 to 74.  The researchers found that the healthy women were far more likely to consume green tea.  And those breast cancer patients who did drink green tea were likely to consume less of it than the healthy women were.  In fact, drinking less than six tablespoons of green tea a day appeared to cut a woman's risk for breast cancer by as much as 30 percent.

Unfortunately, women who consume a great deal of black tea do not appear to be protected from the onset of breast cancer.  Since black tea is more popular in Western nations than green tea, such news can be disappointing.  But the fact that green tea's popularity is gaining strength in the West means that Western women could enjoy the same breast cancer protection that green tea drinkers in the Far East have enjoyed for years.

Green Tea and Breast Cancer Recurrence

But what about women who have already experienced breast cancer?  Is it possible for them to reduce their chances of a recurrence by downing cups of green tea?

As you might expect, scientific researchers have been asking the same questions.  For instance, a Japanese research team addressed those issues in their article, ''Regular Consumption of Green Tea and the Risk of Breast Cancer RecurrenceFollow-up Study from the Hospital-based Epidemiologic Research Program at Aichi Cancer Center (HERPACC), Japan.''

As the Asian researchers noted, various studies indicate that green tea can inhibit the development and growth of tumors.  Given that fact, they thought it helpful to examine the link between regular green tea consumption and the risk of a recurrence of breast cancer.

The researchers studied 1160 new surgical cases of female breast cancers between June of 1990 and August of 1998.  About 12 percent, or 133 of the subjects, appeared to experience a cancer recurrence.  But those women who consumed three or more cups of green tea each day were less likely to see their breast cancer make a comeback.

The reduced rate of recurrence was most likely among those women with stage 1 and stage 2 breast cancer.  However, the link was not apparent for those women with more advanced stages of the cancer.

Cautiously Optimistic

The researchers cautioned that these results need to be interpreted carefully.  However, they do suggest that breast cancer patients who drink green tea daily may be able to prevent their cancer from returning -- especially if their cancer was diagnosed in the early stages.  Therefore, the research team has reason to be cautiously optimistic about the cancer-fighting capabilities of green tea.

A Closer Look at Green Tea

In order to fully understand the potential of green tea as a cancer prevention method, it is first necessary to examine the composition of the beverage.  There are a number of compounds that make up green tea, including polyphenols and flavonoids, caffeine, carbohydrates, tannins, fluoride, and aluminum.

As far as cancer prevention is concerned, the most critical substance is the polyphenols -- chemicals which act as antioxidants.  These substances block cell replication enzymes and therefore prevent the growth of cancer in the process.

In a number of studies, researchers gave rats with breast tumors green tea to consume.  These rats were then compared with rats which drank water alone.  Interestingly enough, the rats which had been drinking green tea saw their tumor size reduced considerably.  In addition, the studies indicated that new tumors were less likely to develop in rats which drank green tea.

How Much is Enough?

Still, you might be wondering how much green tea you would need to consume in order to significantly reduce your risk of developing breast cancer.  Generally, doctors say that you need to consume at least three to four cups of green tea each day -- without additives such as milk or sugar -- in order to see an impact.

Does decaffeinated green tea offer the same health benefits?  Actually, that depends upon the manner in which the caffeine has been removed from the tea.  If a solvent has been used to decaffeinate the tea, it will contain reduced levels of EGCG, lessening its effectiveness as a cancer prevention tool.  You might also consider taking your green tea in capsule form, although there is little hard evidence to indicate that the capsules are as effective as the beverage in cutting cancer risk.

A Final Note

A woman who has experienced breast cancer has no guarantees that her cancer will never reappear.  Even if she begins drinking green tea, she might still undergo a recurrence.  However, the available evidence suggests that her risk of facing a second bout of breast cancer decreases significantly when she becomes a green tea drinker.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Best Coffee Grinders Make The Best Coffee

When coffee beans are exposed to air they oxidize.  Since the coffee ground have a larger surface area than the bean and are not covered in a sheath like the bean, they will oxidize even faster.  If you grind your beans at home then they are exposed to air for less time and you get fresher grounds.  You can also grind only what you want to use right at that moment.

Grinding can also take more time and patience that buying beans that are already ground.  If you choose to take the time to grind your beans than you should choose amongst the best coffee grinders.

The burr, blade, and crusher are the three types of coffee grinders on the market.

The crusher is a device that mashes the beans and is and sort of mortar and pestle style grinder.  This gives a granule that is not as even as it could be and this style of grinder is not the best for your kitchen.

A blade grinder actually finely chops your beans with a spinning blade that makes the beans smaller and smaller until they are like a granule.  Sometimes the grains can be too big and not the same size.

When the grains are different sizes they can release different amounts of oils and they can also produce too much heat because of the speed of the blades.  This warmth can make the aroma lessen.

The best choice for coffee grinding is the burr grinder.  These grinders produce the best granules that are both consistent and small.  You can also adjust the size of the granule and the speed of your grinder when using the best burr grinder models.  It works by using plates and pyramid like teeth that grind up the beans.

By controlling the size of the granules you can get a better brew and the lower speed will keep over-warming from happening.

The best of the burr grinders is the conical burr because they give you greater control over the size and speed, although they can be noisy.  A good conical burr grinder goes at about 500 rpm, but some can go up to 10,000 or even higher rpm.  Getting a grain that is this fine is really important when it comes to certain kinds of coffee, such as a Turkish coffee.  Some of these allow you to adjust your granule size to a very fine degree.

The best burrs will offer a low noise level and will be easy to clean.  A brush to clean your burr is important and being able to remove the upper burrs is also critical.  The material of the burr will also influence how much extra static electricity is made.

Clear glass can be better to help you judge your ground beans and know when to stop the grinding.  A timer or auto-shutoff is also a great feature to help you control your grinding process.

Spend time on reviewing the various models to find the best one for your kitchen!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Benefits Of Organic Milk Or Is It Just Plain Hype?

Organic food and milk was promoted heavily in 1999 and 2000 due to the number of health scares such as BSE and the misuse of antibiotics and pesticides by dodgy farmers and producers.

The government, producers, suppliers and retailers then began the shift towards going organic and the result of this activity was a surge in the number of farmers converting to organic production.  The supply of organic milk increased rapidly in response to market demand and financial support to convert to organic farming methods that do not use artificial pesticides (insecticides, fungicides or herbicides) on pastures where cows graze.  Organic cows are not fed GM cattle feed.  This means that there is no possibility of GM or solvent residues being found in organic milk.  It has been estimated that in the UK and the USA, our bodies contain traces of at minimum 300 potentially harmful chemicals absorbed from our food.  Eating organically grown food and drinking organic milk is an easy way for people to avoid these chemicals.

The popular press is going cow-wild over research that supposedly proves organic milk is healthier than conventional milk.  Lets look into this a bit deeper. ...

Organic milk has all the nutritional goodness of non-organic milk but due to the cows more natural diet, it also has some additional health benefits such as higher levels of vitamin A, E and antioxidants.

The main issue that the organic milk industry is advertising is the high content of omega-3 fatty acids, found abundantly in oily fish (such as salmon, herring and cod) and walnut and fish oil.  Omega-3s have been thought to protect against cancer and heart disease.  This high content is great news as most people in the UK are deficient in Omega 3 fatty acids, which are also essential for maintaining supple and flexible joints, healthy growth and strong bones and teeth.

But are these benefits just empty nutritional superiority claims?  Many commentators argue that the amount of Omega 3 is that small that people should eat fish at least once a month instead, and that buying organic milk for this purpose is nonsense.

The British Food Standards Agency says it will review the matter but has yet to be convinced that organic milk is any more nutritious than non organic milk.  The lack of conclusive scientific research on the nutritional benefits of organic milk could lead to negativity in the overall organic market.

My thoughts are this ... you pay an organic price premium but you could be getting extra Vitamins, Omega 3, non-GM contaminated milk plus supporting your green lifestyle and a traditional way of farming.  On that, I for one am prepared to pay extra and will continue to drink organic milk.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The World's Largest Wine Producer

The largest wine producing area of the world can be found at the border of the Mediterranean Sea, in between Spain and the Rhone delta.  Out of a population of 2.4 million, there are fifty thousand involved in growing vines.  The area they consume spans twenty seven thousand and four hundred square kilometers (10500 miles).  There are 400 cooperatives and about 2800 private wineries in the land with Banyuls to the southwest and Muscat to the east.  Out of that comes two billion bottles of wine.

The area has hot summers and mild winters.  The soil ranges from sandstone and limestone to granite pebbles.  Cargnan, Merlot and Grenache other red wines are produced here and among the white wines there is Roussane, Chardonnay and Viognier.

It was the Greeks who started the cultivation of vineyards in this area as early as the 6th century BC when the Romans arrived in the region this cultivation was developed and it went on with the Visigoths in the 5th century.  The monasteries in the 9th century developed the hillside regions for the vineyards and used the valleys for grains and in the 19th century the plains became vineyards as well.  Currently it is the plains of Herault, Gard and Aude that make up a half of France’s overall grape yield.

For some years the quality of wines began to lag but in the past few decades with the emergence of Syrah there is been a return to quality.  Syrah is opaque, purple in color, and has the scent of sweet black berry spiced with cassis and black pepper

The Vin de Pay D’Oc has been improving the region’s reputation in the past ten years with the Corbieres and the earthy Minervois.

Most winegrowing areas are dominated by a particular Chateau.  In this area this is not so, most wines are produces by cooperatives who buy grapes grown on local farms.  The grapes are put through a process that includes adding grape spirit.  This stops the fermentation, saves the sweetness and raises the alcohol level to fifteen or sixteen percent.  Wines such as Vin Doux Naturel made from Grenache or Muscat and Muscat de Frontignan or Banyuls are made from this process.  They are wonderful dessert wines and are similar to port when it comes to aging potential.

White wine grown here are also of high quality.  The Chardonnay and Marsanne are grown in Argelier, an area west of Bezier.  The dry, fresh taste with an aroma of apple and oak comes from the chalky soil and the early harvesting process which allows for only a few hours of skin contact before pressing.

There are other red wines of interest such as the full bodied, spicy Corbieres that are made from Carignan and Grenache grapes grown in marl, sandstone and limestone.  There are more than seventy million bottles produced that can go through three to seven years of aging.

In the sunniest region of France the Pyrenees in Roussillon produces another variety of reds.  The area is closer to Spain and the Carignan is the main grape variety grown in the region.  The wine produced is of medium body, spicy and has hints of licorice.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Strategies For Stressless Holiday Entertaining

Stressless entertaining is fast becoming an oxymoron.  With parties and social gatherings growing more and more elaborate, with everyone trying to outdo each other, hosting a get-together is a difficult task to undertake any time of year.  Throw in some holiday chaos and it's downright nerve-wracking.

Maybe in our eagerness to impress and bedazzle our guests, we're missing the point entirely.  Warm, relaxing, convivial social interaction should be our main concern when rolling out the welcome mat.  Here are some strategies, excerpted from my new book "400 Ways to Stop Stress Now ... and Forever!", that will help you keep your eye on that objective.

Have small intimate get-togethers.

Big parties are expensive, time-consuming and a heck of a lot of work.  Even if you’re lucky enough to talk with everyone, it may only amount to brief, cursory snippets of conversation.  A big bash can be fun, sure, if you’re not the one throwing it.  Smaller parties are easier to arrange, less work, less expensive, and leave lots of time to enjoy your guests, who feel more special, too.  Entertain fewer people ... more often.

Keep the menu simple.

There's no need to overwhelm your guests with more choices than necessary.  An hors d' oeuvre, a main dish, a couple of side dishes, and dessert is plenty.  It will save you time and money, and make entertaining easy enough that you'll want to do it more often.  Overdoing it also unfairly raises the stakes for guests who want to reciprocate.  Focus on the quality of what you serve, not the quantity, and on making your visitors feel relaxed and comfortable.  Your parties can't help but turn out special.

Expect people to cancel out on you.

Last-minute dropouts and no-shows can be disappointing -- especially when you've gone to a lot of trouble.  Blame it on our over-scheduled times, a general slackening of social responsibility, whatever.  But this, unfortunately, is the way things are.  So be ready for it.  If you're planning an event or activity involving several people, expect one or more will almost certainly cancel.  Invite or recruit extra people to make up for the inevitable loss.  And if everyone does show up (slim chance), you'll enjoy an unanticipated bonus.

Invite someone over for coffee.

Or tea, or a glass of wine, or a beer, if that's your preference.  Somehow this simple, casual way to connect with others during the holiday season has lost ground to more elaborate and expensive forms of entertaining.  But informal drop-by visits with friends and neighbors is a great way to catch up, share experiences, vent concerns, and give yourself a needed break from the rat race.  Pure, uplifting social interaction ... without all the fuss.  Try it.

Entertaining is supposed to be fun, remember?

When you throw a dinner party or host a gathering, it's not an audition, you're not on trial and your guests aren't judges and juries.  Yet that's how you might see it -- something to fret about, even dread.  Which, if you're worried things won't go well, will all but assure it.  Remember, it's not about you.  It's about inviting people into your home and making them feel welcome and comfortable.  If you're tense and unsure, that's what they'll pick up on.  (How many times have you attended a tautly wound event and had a perfectly lousy time?)  So make it fun.  Be casual, gracious, spontaneous.  You'll be a hit, and so will your party.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Spanish Tortilla

Detoxification is a process and can be a gentle cleansing or a more rigorous therapy, where many foods are completely avoided over a long period of time.

The detoxifying program you would choose would depend for the most part on the condition of your elimination system and your ove-rall health.

It certainly is a poor man or woman who cannot find a few eggs, a couple of potatoes and an onion in their store cupboard!  The ever-practical Spaniard realized this and thus created their marvellous "tortilla" -- an easy-to-make dish that could be savoured by rich and poor alike.

Not only cheap to make the tortilla, or Spanish omelette, is immenseley adaptable:  you can eat it hot or cold, depending on the weather and your mood;  you can enjoy a small slice as a "tapa" (snack) in between meals;  or, accompanied by a multi-coloured mixed salad and crusty, fresh Spanish bread, you have a marvellous main meal!  Should unexpected guests come knocking at your door ... just whip out the ever-adaptable toritilla, pour them a glass of smooth, Spanish wine and they are bound to be delighted!

Unlike the better-known French omelette which should be made quickly and over a high heat, the Spanish omelette needs to be cooked more gently, so that the middle is not too runny.  The French omelette is best eaten straight away and always hot.  Its Spanish counterpart, on the other hand, improves if left to rest for at least five minutes before eating, keeps well for a couple of days in the fridge, and can easily be re-heated in the microwave, unless you prefer it cold.  As with the French omelette, the Spanish tortilla is made in a frying pan (preferably non-stick) but, unlike the French version, both sides need to be cooked.  For this reason, it is possible to buy special tortilla frying pans -- a sort of double pan which allows you to just swish it over and cook the other side!

Substances that are potentially toxic to our bodies are everywhere.  Pollution, petroleum based products, pesticides and other compounds are harmful to our bodies.  Our organs, including the colon and liver, are responsible for removing the toxins and waste materials from our bodies.  But when these organs aren't functioning up to standard we become tired, break out and have digestive problems.  More serious illnesses may result.  Detox today for optimum health!

I have to say, I prefer the traditional method of placing a plate on top of the pan, turning the tortilla out and then returning to the pan to cook the underside.  But, perhaps the simplest method is to just place the frying pan under the grill to brown the tortilla.

Whichever way you choose to prepare it, once cooked, leave it to cool a little, cover with a large plate, then gently ease the omelette out.  It should be circular, about an inch-and-a-half thick, and it is usual to cut it in slices or wedges.  Having said that, you can divide it into small cubes, pop a cocktail stick on top, and serve along with other "bits and pieces" as apéritifs.  Spanish recipes for tortilla vary slightly from region to region -- also what you have in the fridge and what you fancy!  You can replace the potato with, say, spinach, leave out the onion, add a bit more garlic, etc, etc.  Just use your imagination!

Below is a recipe for a traditional potato-and-onion tortilla.

TORTILLA -- Spanish Omelette


  • Olive oil
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 1 clove garlic, crushed with 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 medium-sized potatoes, peeled and diced
  • Black pepper
  • 6 eggs, beaten


  1. Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a pan.
  2. Add onion, garlic, pepper and potatoes.
  3. Gently fry until golden-brown and potatoes slightly softened.
  4. Tip potato-and-onion mixture into bowl containing the beaten eggs.
  5. Stir and transfer to a large frying pan containing clean oil.
  6. Cook over a low heat for 10-15 minutes.
  7. Transfer pan to a preheated hot grill until top is browned.
  8. Alternatively, turn upside down onto a plate and return to pan to brown underside.
  9. Carefully tip onto plate and slice as you would a cake.

Conventional, mainstream (allopathic) medical practitioners have yet to latch on to this concept, since they're only trained to treat diseases and symptoms specifically without treating the patient as a whole.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Spanish Food Recipe

One common detox diet is the combination of nothing but fruits and water for a given period.  The promotion of chemicals being matabilized by our bodies can be helped with certain vitamins, herbs and supplements.  Some supplements will help the mobilization of toxin's in our fat and other toxin deposit's located throughout the body.

Whilst on your travels in Spain and pausing to take a breath from site-seeing, you have surely experimented with ''tapas'' at a welcoming bar.

If this is the case, it is more than likely that you have come across the small, tasty filleted fish, preserved in olive oil, sliced garlic and chopped parsley, and highly popular throughout Spain.  This delectable dish is usually known as ''boquerones'' but, depending on the area, can also be called ''anchoas''.

Boquerones are small, fresh anchovies.  Accompanied by crisp, fresh Spanish bread, a glass of ruby-red wine or refreshing Asturian cider, they are a delight to eat.  Moreover -- as with many traditional Spanish dishes which comprise the renowned Mediterranean Diet -- they are extremely healthy.

Like its friend the sardine, the anchovy is an oily fish, packed full of proteins and minerals, protecting against heart disease, and ''good'' for cholesterol.  What's more, in many areas of Spain -- in particular the Mediterranean coast -- fresh anchovies are extremely cheap.  On first coming to Spain, I happily enjoyed many tapas of boquerones, completely unaware of one fact ... all those little anchovies I had eaten were not cooked!  For a moment, I deeply regretted asking my Spanish neighbor, Carmen, how to make them!

Fortunately, Carmen went into immediate action and saved the day!  She frog-marched me to the local fishmongers, bought a kilo of the little fish, took me home and showed me ''her way'' of preparing them.  They were so delicious that I quickly recovered my passion for boquerones and have been enjoying them ever since!

Methods for preparing boquerones tend to vary slightly from family to family.  However, the basic principles are always the same.  You first have to clean and fillet the fish, which is simple enough, but rather tedious until you get the hang of it.

If you suffer with acne, or if your skin is dull, rough or blotchy, a detox could be exactly what you need.  Other symptoms of toxic overload can be lethargy and frequent headaches or simply feeling below par.  Detoxing will not only help your skin but the other major elimination organ, the liver.  In fact your whole system will benefit!

Next, you soak the fillets, either in white wine vinegar or a mixture of half vinegar and half water.  The vinegar will clean and bleach the fish and also soften any remaining little bones.  Some people sprinkle the fish with salt;  others (myself included) feel that the fish is salty enough already.  The fish has to be left for a good few hours soaking in the vinegar.  Again, this tends to vary, with some Spaniards leaving them overnight in the fridge and others just waiting a couple of hours.  Also, some families change the vinegar/water-and-vinegar mixture once during this process, whilst others don't bother.

Once you have thrown away the vinegar, the bleached fillets are covered with a good quality virgin olive oil, which will preserve them.  You can add as much, or as little, sliced garlic as you wish, plus freshly chopped parsley.

So ... here is the actual recipe.



  • 1 kilo fresh anchovies.
  • White wine vinegar.
  • Virgin olive oil.
  • Garlic.
  • Parsley.
  • Salt (optional).


  1. Top and tail anchovies.
  2. Slit along underside and discard innards.
  3. Open out fish.
  4. Remove central bone by lifting from tail end upwards.
  5. Rinse well.
  6. Place a layer of anchovy fillets in a shallow dish.
  7. Sprinkle with salt (optional) and pour on plenty of vinegar.
  8. Repeat with another layer, changing direction.
  9. Leave to soak in vinegar for a few hours or overnight.
  10. Pour off vinegar.
  11. Very gently rinse fillets.
  12. Cover fillets in virgin olive oil.
  13. Add slices of garlic and chopped parsley.As one of the most common causes of lethargy is constipation, learn more about colon detox today

It is so pleasant to find something in life that is a delight to the senses, affordable, healthy and does nobody any harm (apologies to any vegetarians out there and, also, the little anchovies ...).  So ... do make the most of fresh anchovies whilst you are in Spain and enjoy!

The human body is like one big process of input and output.  Some things we intake such as food and water which the body requires diffuse into the body;  we then pass the by-products which are of no use, or surplus to the body's requirements.  Drugs, on the other hand, diffuse almost entirely into the body as this is what they are designed to do.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Saving Your Skin -- With Green Tea

Green tea has become the miracle drink of recent years.  It is mentioned as a cure for everything from stomach trouble to fatigue, from rheumatoid arthritis to tooth decay.  People in the Far East have been turning to green tea for various ailments for centuries, so it isn't surprising that the beverage has become a popular remedy worldwide.

Perhaps the most interesting claim of fans of green tea is that it can be beneficial in the war against cancer.  A 1994 study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute showed that green tea lessened the risk of cancer of the esophagus in Chinese subjects by close to 60 percent.  In addition, a study at the University of Purdue found that, because of its chemical makeup, green tea can also reduce the growth of cancer cells.

Green Tea's Effects -- More Than Skin-Deep

There is also evidence that green tea can be beneficial for your skin.  In an article on ''Green Tea and Skin'' published in the Archives of Dermatology in the year 2000, Santosh K. Katiyar, Nihal Ahmad, and Hasan Mukhtar discussed how green tea could be effective in fighting skin cancer.  Because of its composition, green tea can prevent inflammation and cancer in the skin.

Still, you might be wondering how this is possible.  In the data examined by Katiyar, Ahmad, and Mukhtar, the polyphenolic compounds in green tea were tested and found to provide protection against cancer in mouse skin.  In addition, some successful experiments were conducted on human skin in the lab.  The analysis conducted by the authors shows that green tea polyphenols have cancer-fighting properties.

As a result, it appears that green tea could be used successfully in skin products to treat various skin disorders, which could help immensely in the battle against skin cancer.  As Mukhtar stated, ''Of all the antioxidants known to mankind, the components of green tea are the most potent.''  Still, the authors caution that additional study is needed to fully explore the cancer-combating capabilities of green tea.

Why Green Tea is a Superior Disease-Fighter

Of course, you might be wondering why green tea might be effective against skin cancer, when other types of tea are not.  While green, black, and oolong tea are all derived from the Camellia sinensis plant, green tea is processed in a way that helps to preserve its antioxidant nature.  That's because green tea leaves are steamed, preventing their cancer-fighting compounds from being oxidized.  As a result, black and oolong teas are not nearly as effective in fighting disease.

Taking a Closer Look at Green Tea

It might be helpful at this point to take a closer look at green tea and its unique properties.  Dr. Stephen Hsu, a scientist at the Medical College of Georgia, has done extensive research on green tea and its medicinal effects.  Hsu has found that the compounds in green tea known as polyphenols destroy free radicals, which have been known to give rise to cancer because of changes they make in DNA.  Essentially, the polyphenols kill cancer cells, while protecting healthy cells.

Hsu and his research team compared the growth of normal skin cells to the growth of cells that had been exposed to green tea polyphenol.  The researchers were surprised to learn that the tea component rejuvenated dying skin cells.  The reactivation was limited to the epidermis, or outer layer of the skin.  Still, Hsu believes that the research will have a profound impact upon various skin conditions.

A Green-Tinged Fountain of Youth

In addition to combating cancer, green tea could be effective in treating a variety of other skin conditions, including ulcers, psoriasis, rosascea, and hard-to-heal wounds.

As a result of such research, some have referred to green tea as being a veritable ''fountain of youth'' for the skin.  While additional research is obviously necessary, the initial results are incredibly encouraging.  In fact, Hsu has been working on developing skin products in which green tea plays a significant role.  In this way, Hsu has found a way to apply his lab work to the cosmetic counter.  It appears that green tea is particularly effective in protecting the skin from sun damage -- a major contributing factor to skin cancer.

The Future of Green Tea

Given the public's interest in alternative medicine, it would appear that green tea will be increasingly used as an agent for enhancing health.  In fact, each year people turn to green tea for its therapeutic benefits.  Research on green tea's beneficial effects on the skin appears to be particularly promising.  In fact, green tea may be revolutionary in its impact on skin treatments.  Not only might it lead to younger-looking skin -- it may also help to keep skin cancer at bay -- which would be welcome news to the fair-skinned and anyone who has a history of skin cancer in their family.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Patients On Anti-Coagulants -- Be Careful Of What You Drink

Many heart patients are routinely placed on anti-coagulants.  Anti-coagulants help keep blood thin and flowing freely through veins and arteries;  decreasing the risk of heart attack and stroke.  Heart patients with Atrial Fibrillation (AF), in particular, are advised to take anti-coagulants.

Atrial fibrillation is the most common type of persistent, irregular heartbeat (cardiac arrhythmia).  In atrial fibrillation, the heart's upper chambers beat irregularly, affecting blood flow to the heart muscle and to the rest of the body.  It increases the patient's risk of blood clots, which can cause strokes and what is known as TIA (transient ischemic attack).  TIA is what most people refer to as a ''mini-stroke'', in which the patient suffers the effects of a stroke, but only for the short term.

For patients with AF, the heart beat may return to normal on its own, or the doctor may use electrical shock to get the heart back into its normal rhythm.  Some patients, however, do not respond to this therapy, and require anti-coagulants to prevent stroke and other complications.  In addition to AF, other heart problems may also require treatment with anti-coagulants.

Some doctors prescribe an aspirin each day for its blood thinning and anti-coagulant effects, but some patients require something stronger than the simple aspirin.  For these patients, there are many prescription anti-coagulants and blood thinners from which doctors choose.

Anti-coagulants do have side effects;  the most prevalent of which is the inability of your blood to properly clot in the event of surgery, or other bleeding.  It is, therefore, very important to inform your doctors that you are on anti-coagulants, and to stop taking them before you have surgery.  In addition, anti-coagulants may interact negatively with other medications and cause complications.

The most common anti-coagulant is warfarin, also known as coumadin.  If your doctor prescribes warfarin, you should carefully follow all the recommendations that go along with warfarin, including having a thorough understanding of all the interactions.  The most important things you should know about warfarin include:

  • You should not become pregnant while taking warfarin.  Be certain that you're using a reliable form of birth control while taking this medicine.  If you become pregnant while taking this medicine, let your doctor know immediately.  Warfarin can cause birth defects.
  • You must temporarily stop taking warfarin if you require any sort of surgery, including a spinal tap.
  • Do not take warfarin in combination with aspirin or NSAIDs, (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) unless your doctor advises you that it's ok.  NSAIDs include ibuprofen, naproxen, celecoxib, and diclofenac.  Even our very common over the counter pain relievers like motrin and advil are ibuprofen, and can cause serious interactions with warfarin.  Serious bleeding in your stomach and intestines can result when you combine warfarin and these drugs.
  • Watch what you eat and drink.  This may be the most surprising consideration for patients who take warfarin.  Many patients have no idea that their diet can significantly affect how warfarin works for them.

Dietary Concerns for Patients of Warfarin

Warfarin can be seriously affected by the amount of vitamin K in your diet.  And, vitamin K is in many of the foods that we eat in large amounts, including the following:

  • liver,
  • broccoli
  • brussels sprouts
  • spinach
  • Swiss chard
  • Coriander
  • Collards
  • Cabbage
  • other green leafy vegetables

Even green tea, which has received rave reviews lately for its health benefits, can have a negative interaction with warfarin because of its vitamin K level.  This is important for patients to understand, because many people have begun to drink green tea for its health benefits, particularly for those with heart problems.

The reason that green tea has been recommended for heart patients is because it has been shown to be effective in lowering LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol that clogs our arteries).  In addition, green tea inhibits the formation of abnormal blood clots, which are the leading cause of heart attacks and strokes.  So, we have begun to think of green tea as a healthy beverage for people who have heart disease or may be genetically predisposed to heart disease.

However, we now know that those heart patients who are taking warfarin for its anti-coagulation benefits should not drink green tea -- or at least should not do so without permission from their doctor.

One compelling piece of information was discovered by the Department of Pharmacy Practice at the University of Florida.  One patient receiving warfarin after having a mechanical valve replacement in his aorta, was progressing well with the warfarin treatment.  However, his body's absorption of the drug suddenly changed.

Within one week, the patient's absorption of the warfarin dropped dramatically.  Upon examination of the patient's diet, it was discovered that he had recently begun to drink about one half to one gallon of green tea per day.  Once the patient stopped drinking the green tea, his absorption of the warfarin began to return to normal.

Many people do not recognize that green tea is a significant source of vitamin K, so even if patients have been advised to avoid foods rich in vitamin K, they may not realize that green tea falls into this category.

So, if you're a heart patient, be sure to talk to your doctor about green tea.  Green tea contains many healthful benefits, and can be particularly healthy for heart patients.  However, if you're a heart patient who has been prescribed warfarin, green tea could significantly reduce the absorption of your medication.

If you'd like to drink green tea for its health benefits, your doctor may be able to advise you on a quantity that would be acceptable along with your warfarin.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Organic Wine, Beer And Spirits

In the UK and USA, producers are increasingly making wines labeled organic or produced from organically grown grapes.  The meaning and legal force of these terms can vary significantly from one country to another.

A key point to add at this stage is the difference between organically grown grapes -- fruit from vineyards grown without the use of industrial fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides and pesticides -- and wines made without synthetic preservative additives.

Organic Vineyards -- Where it all begins!

An organic vineyard is one where grapes are grown without chemical fertilizers, weed killers, insecticides, or other synthetic chemicals.  This prevents damage to soil and ensures that no chemicals end up in the wine as residue.  Organic farmers aim to maintain healthy, biologically active soil whose fertility is provided by plants that fix nitrogen from the air.  In the vineyard it means planting cover crops between the avenues of the vines instead of applying herbicide.  Naturally occurring plant or mineral extracts leave no residue in the soil, and weeds are kept down with the use of mechanical and hand hoes.  Biodiversity is promoted through the plants, which help regulate the vineyard soil by attracting beneficial insects, spiders and predatory mites.

The Role of Certification and the Organic Market

When a label says organic, it means the wine has met certain standards that are set by a government agency.  Different nations have their own certification criteria, so whats organic in one country may not be so in another.  In the UK the Soil Association is the most recognized and used certification body.

Many wineries that are technically organic still choose not to be certified.  There are many reasons for this.  Some do not want the added costs and bureaucracy of registering.  Others may disagree with their governments standards.  Whatever the case, they are not allowed to use organic on their labels.

There is a national government target for 30 per cent of all UK farmland to be organic or in conversion by 2010, and 20 per cent of the food consumed to be organic by 2010.  The UK grocery market was worth $206 billion in 2006 and USA 634.7$ billion.  This growth in the organic food market will have a knock on effect on the drinks industry and will meet the ever-growing demand from consumers for organic wine, which is better for drinkers and better for the environment.

Financial Incentives to Companies to turn Organic

In 2005, 39% of the world organic farmland is in Australia and New Zealand.  To combat this The European Union (EU) offers financial support to organic farmers as an incentive for farmers to convert to organic production and help the sector grow.  These grants provide farmers with assistance during the period of conversion to organic farming which usually takes three years.

Organic Beers and Spirits

While not so widely available as organic wine, organic spirits are available through specialist suppliers.  The production process for organic spirits does not differ widely from conventional production.  The main difference lies in the use of organic raw materials.  Organic beers are now available in a number of pubs and supermarkets and tend to use organic hops.

Fancy visiting an organic vineyard?

If you are into Organic wine why not visit Englands Premier organic vineyard.  In addition to processing fruit on site, Sedlescombe Organic Vineyard is one of the main tourist attractions in the 1066 Country region in and around Hastings attracting some 5,000 visitors per annum to its Vineyard & Woodland Nature Trail + Wine tasting.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Organic vs. Processed Foods

Organic foods are more popular than ever these days.  But what do you know about them?

Organic foods and processed foods are two of the types of fruits, vegetables, and meats that can be found in grocery stores these days.  In relation to this, there are several labels that are used in order to determine how much processing food has gone through.  One of the steps in determining how nutritious your lifestyle is knowing whether there is a difference in organic or processed foods.  Knowing what is contained in each and the effects that they have on your body can help you decide which foods to eat.

The first thing to understand is the definition of the word organic.  When food is organic, it means that no preservatives, added chemicals or other types of fertilizers and/or pesticides have been added to the food.  With meat, the animals can not have been given any antibiotics or growth hormones.  Usually, organic foods must be approved by the USDA in order to be defined as such.

Next are the definitions of ''natural'' and ''processed''.  These types of foods can have preservatives, chemicals, fertilizers, and pesticides added to them.  The meat can have antibiotics and growth hormones in it.  Depending on the label of the food, there will be different levels of these additives.  There are several reasons why this is done to the food.  The first is to prevent extra bacteria from growing on or in the food.  The second is that more food can be produced for the consumer.  If the food is being transported into a different area, these chemicals allow the food to last longer.  Another method that is used is biotechnology and irradiation.  These are becoming a standard procedure in killing pathogens while keeping foods fresher than they would have been otherwise.

Another type of food that is often seen is organic that has had certain things done in order alter its content.  Low-fat, whole-wheat, gluten-free and reduced-sodium are some of the popular labels that can be seen on processed foods.  These foods may be organic, but have been processed in order to provide a different nutritional balance for your diet.

Organic food, however, still has to meet certain criteria in order to be ready to buy.  For instance, if the milk is not pasteurized, it may contain bacteria that are not healthy for the consumer and can cause problems.  There are also some food producers that do not follow the USDA guidelines for organic food.  The products may have pathogens even though they may be available in the grocery store.

There are several different types of foods, all which have been processed to varying levels.  Grocery stores offer these different levels of organic and processed foods to consumers.  Before going into a grocery store, know which type of food will be better for you to consume.  This will help you figure out what balance of nutrition and food works best for you.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Making Great Coffee Takes Skill

Making good coffee isn't as simple as just setting your coffee machine.  Making bad coffee is much easier to make, but if you want the best cup of coffee then you need to take care of certain things before you pour the first drop.

If you want the best brew then make sure you have cold water in your machine.  Don't use water that is hot or has been boiled already, if you want even superior results than use cold water that has been filtered or is bottled.  If your home has old pipes and nasty tasting water than this can further affect the taste of your coffee.  If your town has a lot of chlorine in the water or if it is very hard this can also affect the taste of your coffee.

The temperature of the water is key to the brewing process.  195 to 205 degrees is the best temperature to make sure that your coffee is brewed properly.  If the water is too hot it can cause the coffee to be bitter, but if it is too cold then it won't absorb the flavor properly from the coffee grounds.  Try Bunn Coffee Makers for a product that has great temperature levels.

If you are pressing your coffee then wait until the second after it boils to use your water.  If you pre-heat your coffee pot this can also help in terms of using an automatic machine to get the same effect.  Pour hot water into the pot and the dump out the water before you start brewing to get the temperature just right.

Make sure the grind you are using is right using your coffee maker.  There is no one coffee bean grind that is good for everything.  You should choose a grind based on whether you are using a press pot or an automatic coffee pot.  You want to grind your beans for 10 seconds for a press pot, but for an electric machine you will want to grind the beans for 15-20 seconds.  Try Bunn Coffee Makers if you are looking for that just right machine for a great brew.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Is Green Tea Really Healthy?

For several years now, we've been hearing about how green tea can prevent many serious diseases, including cancer.  As the evidence mounts, it can be hard to ignore the fact that green tea is a powerful way to protect your health.

So, what is it about green tea that is creating so much attention?  Well, it appears that the anti-oxidants in green tea are just as powerful as those in fruits and vegetables -- possibly even more so.  And, anti-oxidants are critical to preserving health and preventing disease.

As we convert the foods we eat into energy, we create free radicals in our body that can damage our cells and our DNA if left unchecked.  It is believed that unchecked free radicals contribute to the development of many diseases, including cancer.

Anti-oxidants combat these free radicals so that they are not able to wreak such havoc on our bodies.  Therefore, a diet rich in anti-oxidants is a great way to protect your health.  Your best sources of anti-oxidants are fresh fruits, vegetables, and yes, green tea.

The research abounds to support the fact that green tea is healthy.  Here are some examples.

Take a look in the March, 2004 issue of New Scientist Magazine.  You'll find numerous studies mentioned that suggest that green tea protects against many types of cancers, including lung, prostate and breast cancer.  A study at Kyushu University in Japan showed that green tea slowed the growth of a certain type of human lung cancer cells.

Next, visit the US National Cancer Institute's website and review their studies.  You'll find evidence that the anti-oxidants in green tea inhibited the growth of cancer cells and reduced the number and size of tumors in animals.  You can view the press release on this study here:

Check out the May 2002 issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine.  This magazine describes a Chinese study that showed that men and women who have been lifelong tea drinkers have higher bone mineral density than those who are not tea drinkers.  The study involved 497 Chinese men and 540 Chinese women over the age of 30 who were asked about how much tea they drink as well as about lifestyle factors.  Of the 1,037 study participants, 48.4 percent were habitual, long-term tea drinkers.  The researchers found that those who had been drinking tea habitually for six to 10 years had higher bone mineral density in the lumbar spine, and those who had been drinking tea regularly for more than 10 years had higher bone mineral density in all body sites measured than study participants who didn't drink tea regularly.

This same magazine reported on another study in December of 2005 that suggested drinking just one cup a day of green or black tea may lower the risk of epithelial ovarian cancer in women by 24 percent.  By drinking two or more cups each day, you can cut the risk by up to 48 percent.  This study was conducted over a 15 year period by researchers at the Swedish Mammography Cohort.

It's important to report that there appears to be virtually no evidence that suggests that anything about green tea is unhealthy.  Even studies which can't necessarily support green tea health claims show that green tea has no negative effects.

For example, a study conducted by Yoshitaka Tsubono, M.D., Yoshikazu Nishino, M.D., Shoko Komatsu, M.D., Chung-Cheng Hsieh, Sc.D., Seiki Kanemura, M.D., Ichiro Tsuji, M.D., Haruo Nakatsuka, Ph.D., Akira Fukao, M.D., Hiroshi Satoh, M.D., and Shigeru Hisamichi, M.D. could find no link between consumption of green tea and gastric cancer.  The study did not find any increased protection among those who consistently drink green tea, but it also did not find any health risks associated with large green tea consumption.

So, in light of all the evidence, it seems that adding green tea to your diet is a wise choice.  While we still need to do more research on the subject, there certainly is reason to believe that green tea is a powerful tool for protecting your health.  In addition, there's reason to believe that green tea's effects may be more prevalent on certain types of cancers, and less prevalent on others.

And, even if it turns out that green tea doesn't prevent serious diseases -- there is compelling evidence that green tea is healthy.  Green tea can support healthy teeth, and slows down the aging process, just as any other food rich in anti-oxidants.  Plus, there is also research that suggests that green tea may speed up metabolism and help you maintain a healthy weight.

As you can see -- you have nothing to lose.  Even if green tea doesn't make you live to an old age with no serious illnesses, it won't hurt you.  So, go make a cup of green tea.  There's little doubt that it will do something good for your body.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Healthy Foods -- All About Good Things To Eat!

Did you know that our society is in the midst of a health craze?  Any way you turn there is information about being healthier.  Eating healthy foods is obviously one of the best ways to improve your health.  However when people hear those two words they think of boring, bland foods that are widely available as a natural food co-op.  Although healthy foods are things that you have eaten almost every day, at times just prepared in a different way.

Healthy foods as well as eating habits are pleasing both to the palate and plate.  However one must remember that healthy foods is that the closer the food is to its natural state the healthier it is for you.  Firstly you can start changing your eating habits to more healthy foods by cutting down on the number of prepared foods that you eat.  Prepackaged foods are loaded with preservatives and artificial ingredients.  Sure packaged foods are convenient, but healthy foods can be also, especially once you get into the habit of preparing them.

Healthy foods are very easy to prepare.  In fact it doesn't take much time or money to eat healthy foods.  Here is a simple example of a fantastic meal that is easy to prepare, low-priced and features healthy foods.  Grill lean hamburger patties until well-cooked.  Next place the patties on whole grain all natural hamburger buns.  You can serve the burgers with a large tossed salad as well as a side of steamed green beans.  Follow this easy meal with a serving of fresh fruit for dessert.  This meal can be on your table in less than half an hour and involves all healthy foods.

Grilling or baking lean meats, fish or chicken does not take to long to prepare.  Tossing a salad of fresh greens and vegetables can easily be done while the meat is cooking.  Alternatively you can round out the meals by using fresh or frozen vegetables.  For added variety to your meals you can try using different healthy foods that you haven't tasted before.  Check the produce section of your local grocer which is stocked with a whole range of healthy foods including exotic fruits and vegetables.  A good number produce sections offer recipes and tips to show how to prepare fruits and vegetables that you may not be familiar with.  This is a great way to expose your children to a variety of healthy foods.  Of course, you can experiment with many different fresh herbs that are also available in the produce sections that you can try to add different tastes to your meals.

You can prepare healthy foods on a regular basis to prepare fast nutritious meals.  Healthy foods can also be used in more exotic recipes when you have the time.  Healthy foods can also be prepared ahead of time and frozen for later use.  You can be assured that when you prepare your own frozen foods, you know that they are not full of artificial additives and preservatives.  Encourage children to get involve in the preparation of the healthy foods, thus creating a time when each can share about their day.  Eating healthy foods do not have to cost you time or money, and they are certainly a better option for you.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Health And Beyond!  Discover The Secrets Of A Healthy Cookie.

If you're like a majority of people you're on a health kick to enjoy life more.  Of which one problem that you may face is giving up all of those sweet cookies for a healthy cookie.  For sure you may not believe that any cookie without tons of sugar can be good.  However this may not hold true, and besides eating a healthy cookie is certainly best for you.  Find out more about some of the cookies you can eat, and why they're good for you.

Sure, it's hard to change a life time of bad eating habits with sweets, but remember it CAN be done.  Nevertheless if Cookie Monster from Sesame Street can do it, surely you can too.  Just because you choose to eat a healthy cookie doesn't mean that you're going to be limited on taste.  There are dozens of recipes that exist on the Internet and in a number of cookbooks that include delicious flavors that taste sweet.  A healthy cookie means digging into oatmeal, raisins, bananas, coconuts, or even apple.

You will definitely need to know the inside secrets if you are still trying to figure out how a cookie could taste so good even with all the fruit.  For starters, substitution of hard granulated sugars can be replaced with artificial sweeteners.  At times the use of pure white sugars that are less refined are used too.  Brown sugar is used in a lot of cookies, and amazingly it's good for you too.  In other words there's not as much sugar in the sugar, and the cookie turns into a healthy cookie to eat.  In addition raw honey also plays a part to in making a healthy cookie because it's not processed.

Cookies can be made too with no white refined sugar when you mix a lot of different types of fruit into it.  Raisins, apples, and dates have a distinctive flavor and they are a very naturally sweet dessert.  Also raw coconut makes a superb flavor for a cookie.  In fact one very healthy cookie is a Coconut drop which is just naturally sweet.  You can either put into the mixture, or browned and then topped on top of a sugar free cookie to give it that most excellent taste.  Oils play a part in making a cookie sweet, so use it as much as possible in your baking.

Lastly, you can even cut down oils too.  If you do not want to add any type of hydrogenated oil or trans fats, it's easier to eat a scrumptious cookie.  All you have to do is to add some light chocolate, a few fruits of berries and nuts.  Sometimes you may just want to eliminate the flour too, and eat it as a bar dessert.  Whatever type of healthy cookie that you decide to make or purchase, make sure that you enjoy it.  It's hard enough to give up the old habits of past for a healthy choice in our day.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Green Tea Protection Against Stomach Cancer

Over the last few years, scientists have discovered compelling evidence that green tea protects our bodies against many serious diseases, including cancer.  Though the research continues, it seems that it's safe to conclude that adding green tea to your diet is likely a great way to protect your health.

One of the most serious cancers in our time is stomach cancer.  Though its incidence has declined in recent years, it is still the second most common cancer in the world.  In addition, chronic gastritis is a common problem today, and many doctors believe that those with chronic gastritis are more likely to develop stomach cancer in the future.

In Yangzhong, China, researchers from the UCLA School of Public health studied a total of 732 patients.  133 of these patients had stomach cancer, 166 had chronic gastritis and 433 were healthy and used for control purposes.

After adjusting the study for age and other factors like smoking, heavy alcohol consumption and body mass index, the study concluded that drinking green tea did, in fact, reduce your overall risk of developing gastritis and stomach cancer.

This news is very exciting;  particularly to those who are at high risk for developing gastritis and stomach cancer.

Who should be concerned about developing stomach cancer?

As with any other disease, there are certain factors that make you more susceptible to developing stomach cancer.  Following are risk factors for developing this type of cancer.  You can better assess your risk by seeing how many of these risk factors apply to you.

Helicobacter pylori infection:  This infection of the stomach is fairly rare in the US, but can be found among many people in other countries, including Eastern Europe.  Many doctors believe that long term infection with this bacteria is a major contributor to development of stomach cancer.  The infection usually leads to chronic gastritis and makes changes to the lining of the stomach, which can cause cancer.

Diet -- Those who eat a large amount of smoked foods, salted fish and meats and pickled vegetables have a higher risk of developing stomach cancer.  These products contain large amounts of nitrites, which are believed to lead to cancer.  On the other hand, if your diet is rich with fresh fruits and vegetables, you can reduce your risk of stomach cancer.

Tobacco and alcohol abuse:  Your risk of developing stomach cancer doubles if you smoke.  In addition, it is believed that alcohol abuse also contributes to stomach cancer, though this has not been proven.

Obesity:  Obesity increases your risk of developing stomach cancer, particularly in the part of your stomach closest to your esophagus.

Having Previous stomach surgery:  Certain types of stomach surgery, including surgery to remove part of the stomach for treatment of ulcers or other diseases, increases the risk of developing stomach cancer later on.

Having Type A Blood -- Scientists don't really know why, but people with Type A blood have a slightly higher risk of developing stomach cancer.

History of Cancer in your family -- If you have first degree relatives who have had stomach cancer, colorectal cancer or breast cancer, you have an increased risk of developing stomach cancer.  There are certain inherited genetic disorders that make you more prone to certain cancers.  If your family members have had these other cancers, you may possess this genetic disorder.

Stomach polyps:  Polyps are non-cancerous growths on the lining of the stomach that can turn into cancer.  One particular type of polyps, called adenomas appear to increase your risk of developing stomach cancer.

Geography:  Stomach cancer is most common in Japan, China, Southern and Eastern Europe, and South and Central America.  It is least common in Northern and Western Africa, South Central Asia, and North America.

Epstein-Barr virus:  This is the virus causes infectious mononucleosis.  Almost everyone is infected with the virus at some time in their lives, and it has been linked to some forms of lymphoma.  But, it has been detected in 5-10% of people with stomach cancer, too.  It usually causes a slow growing, less aggressive cancer.  Doctors don't quite understand the relationship between this virus and cancer.

Other Factors:  Stomach cancer is more than twice as common in men as it is in women, and is more common in Hispanics and African Americans than in non-Hispanic whites.  It is most common in Asians and Pacific Islanders.  It is also more common after the age of 50, with a significant increase in incidence once you reach your late 60's.

If you have more than three of these risk factors, you may need to be concerned about the development of stomach cancer later in life.  Drinking green tea, along with a diet rich in fruits and vegetables may be one of the most important things you can do to protect your health.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Green Tea:  The Japanese Secret To Good Health

Cancer remains a number-one killer in countries around the world.  Therefore, it should come as little surprise that medical researchers are exploring new avenues in an effort to find ways to attack cancer.

The investigation into alternative cancer therapies often begins by examining the cultures of specific nations in an effort to determine whether diet or other customs could help unlock the secret to curing this dreaded disease.  Since green tea has been a staple of the Japanese diet for centuries, it's not surprising that new attention is being paid to the tea's therapeutic benefits.

In recent years, doctors and scientific researchers have been focusing new attention on the idea of drinking green tea in an effort to keep cancer at bay.  It's been thought that the beverage possesses certain natural properties which make it a likely cancer preventative.

Studying Green Tea In-Depth

In order to look at this issue in more depth, researchers Kazue Imai, Kenji Suga, and Kei Nakachi of the Saitama Cancer Center Research Institute in Saitama, Japan, decided to examine the effects of green tea drinking among the Japanese.  In an article entitled ''Cancer-Preventive Effects of Drinking Green Tea Among a Japanese Population'' in Preventative Medicine magazine, the research team explored the therapeutic benefits of green tea at length.

When the researchers began their investigation, there had been a number of studies indicating that the main ingredient of green tea, epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, was anti-carcinogenic.  However, there was little evidence to suggest that EGCG could prevent cancer in human beings.  While some human studies had been conducted, the results were far from conclusive.

The Japanese research team strongly believed that it was absolutely critical to conduct an in-depth study in an Asian nation, given the popularity of tea consumption in the Orient.  Ultimately, the Japanese scientists found that those Japanese subjects who drank green tea were less likely to develop cancer.  This was particularly true among women who consumed more than ten cups of green tea each day.

A Natural Cancer Prevention Tool

The rate of cancer was low among both men and women who consumed large amounts of green tea.  In addition, a study of 384 cancer patients indicated that increased consumption of green tea was linked with a delay in the onset of cancer.  Again, this phenomenon was most prevalent among women who consumed more than ten cups of green tea each day.  The average delay for the onset of cancer was four years -- four years of enhanced quality of life for the subjects involved.

To a Western mind, drinking ten cups of green tea daily can seem mind-boggling -- especially if one has difficulty consuming eight glasses of water each day.  It should be noted that, on average, the subjects were probably consuming 150 ml of green tea per cup.  That would amount to about 300 to 400 milligrams of EGCG -- a healthy amount, by any standard.

More Powerful Than Once Thought

It has become clear that green tea is far more powerful in fighting cancer than researchers once thought.  For instance, scientists recently discovered that green tea's unique chemical makeup enables it to combat one of the key cancer-causing molecules linked to tobacco use.  The ground-breaking evidence appeared in a journal published by the American Chemical Society.

In the study, researchers examined the effects of two components of green tea, EGCG and epigallocatechin, also known as EGC.  These substances are close to the consistency of cancer-preventing substances in red wine, grapes, broccoli, and cabbage.  The research team discovered that EGCG and EGC can inhibit a molecule that often ''turns on'' genes that can be harmful to the body, leading to the development of cancer.

However, it's unclear whether the results in the science lab could be replicated in a person's home, since the effectiveness of drinking green tea depends on how the beverage is used by the human body.  In addition, there appear to be differences between varieties of green tea, so additional study is necessary to prove the beverage's effectiveness in inhibiting potentially harmful molecular processes.

The Need for More Research

Based upon the evidence presented in the study conducted by Imai, Suga, and Nakachi, there can be little doubt that their research indicates that consuming green tea can lead to the prevention of cancer.  However, additional research is definitely needed in order to determine which organs of the body could best benefit from green tea.

In other words, will drinking green tea fight stomach cancer?  Breast cancer?  Colon cancer?  At this point, the answers to these questions remain unclear.  Yet, it should be noted that laboratory tests show that green tea's EGCG can zero in on organs in an effort to prevent cancer.

The initial research into cancer prevention using green tea is incredibly encouraging.  To begin with, green tea is an ordinary part of many people's diets, so drinking the beverage does not necessarily mean a radical lifestyle change.  If people are already accustomed to consuming green tea, it stands to reason that they wouldn't mind consuming more of it, if it would mean preventing the occurrence of cancer.

A Virtually Problem-Free Solution

Some approaches to preventing cancer may seem initially appealing, but can become decidedly less so because of the side effects involved.  However, there are no toxic effects linked to green tea consumption, meaning that this cancer-fighting remedy is especially promising.

In addition, green tea appears to be a powerful cancer prevention tool.  If the beverage's therapeutic effects were limited, there wouldn't be a great deal of interest in using it as a cancer preventative.  However, the strong link between green tea consumption and cancer prevention indicated by the Japanese study means that there is good reason for people to consider adding green tea to their diets.

Effects Beyond the Orient

Some might conclude that green tea drinking only prevents cancer among Asian populations, but researchers in the field believe that would be a mistake.  It's entirely possible that, if Westerners also made green tea a significant part of their daily diet, they would also see the preventative effects.

With so many supermarkets and convenience stores in the West now stocking green tea, it may be just a matter of time before Westerners will also experience the beverage's medicinal benefits.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Five Reasons To Give Gourmet Brownie Gifts

There are very few people that don't like rich, gooey, fudgey brownies.  These wonderful treats are the perfect cross between cake, fudge and cookie -- the best of all three rolled into one delicious dessert treat.  It's one of the many reasons that gourmet brownies have become a popular gift item for occasions ranging from birthdays to holidays and everything in between.

  1. Gourmet brownies come in so many flavors.  There's a chocolate brownie for just about everyone.  You don't have to stick with just chocolate -- try Amaretto, Cherry Chocolate or Macadamia Nut ... there are added flavors to suit everyone.  An assortment means that the gift recipient can try several.
  2. Chocolate and romance go together.  But giving brownies instead of traditional chocolates is original!  Why give her the same box of chocolates she gets every year when chewy, gooey gourmet brownies are so much more personal?  Something about brownies is just homier and tells her you put some thought into the gift.
  3. Gourmet brownies are homemade taste without the work and the mess.  Who has time to bake these days?  Most of us are so busy running errands, going to work, taking care of the kids and trying to keep up with family and friends that we can barely breathe.  Brownies give us a bit of old-fashioned flavor without having to spend hours in the kitchen mixing, baking and cleaning up.  Just grab a cup of coffee, put up your feet and sink your teeth into a mouth-watering delight.
  4. Brownies are always appropriate.  When you want to say ''Thank you'', to your boss or congratulate a co-worker, it can be hard to find the appropriate gesture.  Flowers just don't seem right for men, and can be misinterpreted by women.  What to do?  Send gourmet brownies!  More ''grown up'' than a box of cookies, gourmet brownies are just the right gift for co-workers, clients and superiors.
  5. Brownies are the ultimate comfort food.  There's something reassuring and soothing about a food you've loved since childhood.  The combination of sweet, chocolate and the soft, chewy texture all combine to evoke memories of being loved and cared for -- remember those brownies Mom used to bake?  Now you can order gourmet brownies online and send them to everyone who needs a bit of comfort, including:
    • Your daughter at college -- brownies delivered during finals week will be a great way to tell her that you're thinking of her.  And brownies stay fresher longer than cookies, which can get hard too quickly.
    • Your grandfather who's in a nursing home -- he'll love getting a care package to share with friends.  They'll be impressed by your delicious and thoughtful gift.
    • Your brother, who's in the army.  Tell him to hide his box of brownies before his C.O. gets a hold of them!  Army food just isn't as good as freshly baked brownies.
    • Yourself -- because no one deserves a bit of gourmet pampering more than you!

Sit down and make a list of everyone you know that likes brownies.  You'll be amazed at how many people you come up with;  keep that in mind the next time you're searching for that ''just right'' gift for them.  Gourmet brownies -- the yummy gift for every occasion!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Find The Best Coffee Machine For Your Needs

Finding an automatic coffee maker that suits your needs can be trickey.  Automatic coffee makers can be used for regular coffee, espresso, or even lattes.  No matter what you like, you can find something to fit your coffee tastes.  You can even find automatic coffee makers that have grinders built right in and some can also timed so that your coffee is all ready for you as soon as you wake up!

If you take good care of your coffee machine it will last longer.  Always turn it off when you aren't using your machine so that it lasts longer.  The more coffee you drink the more often you will have to replace your machine.  You can also clean your machine by running water with one cup of vinegar through the machine.  This will help clean the interior of the it and keep your coffee tasting better.  After using the vinegar solution make sure you run water through it several times to get rid of any vinegar residue.

You can also save time in the morning by purchasing a coffee maker that has a timer on it.  You can make your coffee at night and then it will brew for you at whatever time you would like.  If you need to hit the road at 7 am, then set your coffee to brew at 6:30 and you'll be awake and alert by the time you hit the road.  You can also buy coffee makers that stop when you grab the pot.  So if you are in a real rush just pour your coffee even if the whole pot isn't ready yet.  Don't worry, the flow of the coffee will stop automatically for you!

Shop around to find the coffee maker that is best for you since they come in so many sizes and shapes.  If you are into home décor than find one that will suit your kitchen or personal tastes.  Some coffee machines make a single serving and others make tons of cups so get one that is suitable for all the coffee drinkers in your household.  You can also find something small and portable if you travel often and want your coffee machine with you where you go!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Does Green Tea Offer The Prescription For Beating Cancer?

With early detection, cancer is no longer an automatic death sentence.  However, an initial diagnosis still brings with it a host of questions:  What is the best course of treatment?  Are conventional approaches best?  Or are non-traditional therapies preferable -- particularly if the cancer does not seem to respond to chemotherapy and radiation.

In recent years, a great deal of emphasis has been placed on unconventional therapies for cancer.  For instance, in an article in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, Elizabeth Kaegi of the Task Force on Alternative Therapies of the Canadian Breast Cancer Research Initiative discussed the fact that cancer patients are trying a number of intriguing therapies, including Essiac, Iscador, hydrazine sulfate, vitamins A,C, and E, and 714-X.  But perhaps one of the most popular therapies that has been tried is green tea.  In fact, go to your local convenience store and you may find jug after jug of green tea in assorted flavors.  Still, you may be wondering what makes green tea so special -- and if it really can help to combat cancer.

Green Tea -- The Basics

Green tea is produced by steaming or frying the leaves of the shrub known as Camellia sinensis.  The leaves, which are not fermented, are then dried.  For 5,000 years, families in China and Japan have hailed green tea as a valuable stimulant and an effective remedy for stomach ailments.  You can even purchase green tea in capsule form now, although the actual medicinal benefits from such capsules have yet to be established.

Dried tea leaves are far more complex than you might think.  Specifically, they are made up of phytochemicals, plant alkaloids, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, phenolic acids, and minerals.  Of course, the exact composition of the leaves varies, depending on when the leaves are harvested and how they are processed.  You should also be aware of the fact that the composition of green tea varies from that of black tea, since black tea has fewer polyphenols because of the fermentation process.

Side Effects

Green tea can contain anywhere from 10 to 80 milligrams of caffeine -- the actual amount depends on how it has been produced and stored.  Since caffeine is a known stimulant, green tea may lead to a racing heart rate and insomnia.  As a result, heart patients, pregnant women, and nursing mothers should ideally drink no more than two cups of green tea a day.

Cancer Prevention

Numerous scientific studies have explored the use of green tea as a cancer preventative.  According to Kaegi, digestive cancers appear to be particularly responsive to green tea.  In fact, such tea appears to somewhat decrease the risk of experiencing cancer of the digestive tract.  Given the fact that such conclusions are the result of a number of epidemiological studies, it appears that the idea that green tea can prevent cancer has some merit.

News from the Lab

But what about treating cancer?  Can green tea be as effective in treatment as it is in prevention?  There has been some limited lab work investigating the possibility that green tea can be used as an alternative form of cancer treatment.  However, at this point, there have only been a few animal studies and no human studies.  The results of these studies are, at this point, inconclusive.

Yet, it should be noted that one study showed that, if extracts of green tea are applied to mouse skin, it appears to stop the development of skin cancer when known carcinogens have been applied to the skin.  Other research indicates that green tea can stop the growth of tumors or decrease the number of tumors in animals that have been exposed to cancer-causing agents.

In some animals, green tea and tea extracts prevented cancer cells from metastasizing.  There are also indications that green tea extracts can prevent chromosomal abnormalities that can lead to cancer, as well as reduce the size of breast and prostate tumors.

The Magic of EGCG

Green tea contains an antioxidant known as epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG.  This substance appears to inhibit enzymes which are responsible for cell replication, stop the adhesion of cells, and disrupt the communication pathways which enable cell division to occur.  However, EGCG seems to be most critically important as an antioxidant.

Final Conclusions

Researchers believe that there is evidence to suggest that green tea can be used to treat cancer.  However, scientists add that additional research is absolutely essential in order to determine the full range of treatment that green tea might provide.  For instance, researchers must determine which cancers are most likely to be abated through the use of green tea or green tea extracts.  Since there is also evidence to indicate that green tea can prevent cancer as well, drinking green tea is not only safe -- it's also highly recommended by some medical experts.  Therefore, green tea may not just be a thirst-quencher -- it may also be a key ingredient of a healthy diet.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Combating Cancer With A Cup Of Tea

Generations of families in India and Asia have been turning to tea to cure what ails them.  Back in the year 1191, a Zen priest penned a work entitled the Book of Tea, which told how green tea could benefit at least five vital organs, including the heart.  At that time, green tea was thought to improve urinary and brain function, combat beriberi disease, and alleviate indigestion.  In other words, green tea was considered to be a multi-purpose elixir, able to treat a wide variety of health problems.

But this ancient remedy has now found a place in modern scientific literature, thanks to a new wave of studies on the medicinal properties of green tea.  While studies on human subjects have been inconclusive, initial evidence from the laboratory looks incredibly promising.

While green tea can be beneficial in attacking everything from high cholesterol to depression, it has perhaps gotten the most attention for its impact on cancer.  In order to understand the significance of this, it is first necessary to have some knowledge of the disease of cancer itself.

Cancer -- A Disease of the Genes

When cancer occurs, cells divide uncontrollably, meaning that the genes controlling cell growth have been damaged in some way.  In fact, a gene has to mutate a number of times before a typical cell will change into a cancer cell.

Antioxidants are important because they can stop the enzyme activities that give rise to cancer.  In essence, they repair DNA problems which have been caused by oxidants, or free radicals.

Green Tea -- A Natural Antioxidant

Green tea has been considered a godsend for good health because it contains antioxidants known as catechins.  These substances have been called impressive inhibitors of cancer growth.  Here's how they do itlab tests show that they combat oxidants prior to cell injuries, stop the growth of tumor cells, and reduce the occurrence of tumors.

For instance, mice tumors were found to shrink when the lab animals ingested green tea.  This phenomenon occurred whether the cancer affected the liver, the skin, or the stomach.

Green Tea and Cancer Prevention

In an article which appeared in the Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, authors Santosh Katiyar and Hasan Mukhtar noted that the special properties found in tea can help prevent cancer, according to the experimental data available.  This is significant, considering the wide availability of tea.  As the authors recognize, tea is grown in about 30 different countries and it's considered to be the most popular beverage worldwide.

Most scientific studies using tea have focused on the therapeutic effects of green tea.  In these lab tests, the green tea is fed to mice as an extract in water or in a purified form.  Green tea has even been found to have some positive medicinal effect before birth in the womb.

A Variety of Uses

Interestingly enough, medical research shows that the benefits of green tea are not limited to combating only one type of cancer.  In fact, consuming green tea may help prevent the development of cancers of the stomach, lungs, esophagus, pancreas, liver, breast, and colon.

Still, even researchers admit that the reasons behind green tea's broad therapeutic effects are not clear.  A number of theories have been put forward -- theories which require further investigation.

The Effects of Tea Drinking on Human Beings

Much of what we know about green tea's effects comes from animal studies.  While some research indicates that tea drinkers are less prone to cancer, other studies offer a conflicting view.  This may be because there are a number of environmental factors which can contribute to the development of cancer, including diet, carcinogens in one's living space, and the like.

Still, in China, where green tea is particularly popular, research results are encouraging.  A study of more than 18,000 Chinese men found that tea drinkers were far less likely to experience stomach cancer than non-tea drinkers.  Yet, a Netherlands study involving tens of thousands of men and women indicated there was no link between drinking tea and cancer prevention.

The Continuing Medical Debate

The debate over the health benefits of green tea continues at the highest levels of government and academia.  For instance, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration asserts that green tea does not reduce the risk of breast, prostate, or any other type of cancer.  The FDA also states that green tea does not reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

However, a study published in the fall of 2006 in the Journal of the American Medical Association directly contradicts the FDA's contentions.  That study indicated that drinking three or more cups of green tea could reduce the risk of death from heart disease.

Future Research Possibilities

Yet, there is a continued push toward additional research of the green tea phenomenon.  For instance, the National Cancer Institute is especially interested in exploring the ability of green tea to prevent skin cancer.  Researchers are examining the effects of both green tea in pill form and green tea creams applied directly to the skin.