Monday, February 15, 2010

Eat, Drink, And Be Merry

The holidays are never far away and it's the perfect opportunity to learn how to entertain well with a great selection of food and wine.  Both food and wine play an important role in our society, and if we want to be successful hosts and hostesses we must learn to serve our guests properly.

Your guests come to your party expecting to be dazzled by the edible offerings.  Guests may arrive at a party with high hopes but more often than not they leave unsatisfied with the food and wine they were served.  You have the power to ensure that this does not happen with your gatherings, so you need to make sure that you offer your guests only the finest food and wine at hand.

You can start by talking to your friends to discover what left them unsatisfied at some of the other parties they have attended.  Also, consider some of your own reactions to the food and wine that was offered.  What was it that you didn't like about the food and wine and how could it have been improved?  The key to successful entertaining with food and wine is to learn from the mistakes of others.  By doing so you should be able to avoid some of the bigger mistakes made when hosting a party featuring food and wine.

Present your guests with a variety of food and wine at your party.  Some people strongly dislike red wine and others feel the same way about white wine.  By offering a selection of different foods and wine you will be able to make more people happy and less people feel overlooked by your food and wine options.  You should also have a diverse selection of the food you are serving.  Have some vegetarian snacks in addition to some meaty ones.  If you have a diverse group of friends you might even want to get more diverse in your food and wine selections and perhaps have some vegan goodies for the vegans of your circle.

Taking these factors into consideration when choosing your food and wine shows that you are a caring and thoughtful host.  Your parties will be the parties that people would want to attend.  If you make the right choices in your food and wine then you should consistently have marvelous parties known for lots of people and good times.

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