Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Make Eating Healthy Foods Fun

Children everywhere in the world have an on-going love affair with junk food such as hamburgers, pizza, candy, soda and salty foods like potato chips and french fries.  Unfortunately, it's hard to find a single child who has these same strong feeling for the healthy food that they need such as grains, vegetables, fruits and foods reach in nutrients such as meat, beans, fish and nuts.

Fortunately, there is one tied and tested strategy to make kids eat the kind of healthy food that some of them may not want -- that's by making it fun.

That's right, make eating healthy food fun.  And how do you do that?  Here are some tips:

  1. The Sneak Attack.  Try sneaking in some of those fruits and vegetables along with the kind of food they like, say, making muffins out of bananas or apples.  There are lots of vegetables the you can throw in when you're serving the kids pizza.  You could also make them look funny by arranging them creatively on a plate or making them stand up like people.  Sure, some people don't want their kids playing with food, but if it will help them get healthier, it may be worth the effort.
  2. Funny Name Game.  If your kids are below the age of four, here's a nifty trick that gets them every time.  Give the fruits and vegetables funny names and concoct elaborate stories.  Some stories will end with these funny-named vegetables getting swallowed alive by the giant child.  In another version, the vegetables run for cover and hide from their enemies by entering a big cave that happens to be your child's mouth where they quickly get gulped down.
  3. The Taste Test.  Kids dislike vegetables because they don't like the taste.  Therefore, make the healthy foods taste better and your child will love them.  For instance, put peanut butter on celery or add a dash of flavor to broccoli with ranch dressing.  I'm sure you can think of dozens of ways to spruce up healthy food.

The key is to find creative ways to make your children enjoy eating healthy food.  And once they've acquired a taste for it, eating healthy foods will be second nature to them.

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