Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Flavored Coffee ... Some Great Ideas For Your Next Dinner Party.

On almost any occasion flavored coffee can be a delightful compliment to any meal.  As someone who hosts many dinner parties for both business and pleasure, it has been my experience that coffee is really at its best when paired with anything sweet.  This perfect pairing lets the relative bitterness of the coffee counter the sweetness of the dessert leaving the palate with a well-balanced finish.

Flavored coffee is nothing new but it has taken many years for it to gain mainstream acceptance to where it now sits in a prominent position on our supermarket shelves and niche corner coffee shops in a host of variations.

In recent years flavored coffee has come into its own and become a trendy drink which often displaces the traditional end of dinner coffee.  Coffee connoisseurs are taking to these untraditional adventurous coffee types in droves with the possible combinations of texture and flavours being endless.  Now the average coffee drinker is faced with an abundant choice of flavors including vanilla, hazelnut, almond, macadamia raspberry, cinnamon, chocolate, caramel, and coconut.  As you will notice, the majority of the flavorings verge on the sweet side.

Macadamia coffee is my all time favorite and so easy to match up with many desserts.  Another quite famous coffee-dessert pairings is delicious pumpkin pie with cinnamon flavored coffee.  If you haven't tried this combination before please do, I guarantee it will completely change your whole experience of eating dessert.  Some people even have it for breakfast.  The coffee enhances the pumpkin pie with the complimentary spice flavour of the cinnamon.

The exotic flavour of coconut with coffee is another way to create an entirely inspiring dessert.  This is only a snippet of the countless ideas that are out there for you to try.  No doubt flavored brews are not a passing fad.

With flavoured coffee increasing in popularity it isn't hard to imagine some of the blends actually replacing traditional toppings that usually go straight to our waistlines.  Wouldn't that be nice for those of us who are counting calories?  For example you will find vanilla flavored coffee is the perfect substitute for the usual fat rich frozen whipped toppings.

In this day and age if you look around there is an abundance of good quality flavored coffee blends available in flavors and styles that will suit almost every occasion and menu selection.  Even vending machines at airports, hospitals and company buildings are hopping on the band wagon and supplying the consumer demand for variety.

So go on and be a bit adventurous.  Try a flavored coffee today and you too will soon find out why it is such a taste sensation.


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