Sunday, May 9, 2010

Finally, Find The Perfect Brownie Online!

There are few baked goods that bring up memories of days past as well as the brownie.  How many of us recall the deep aroma filling the kitchen as a mother or grandmother baked her delicious treats for us?  And how many recall her stern admonition of ''that's hot'' when they came out of the oven?  Then the long wait as we stood around the counter or the kitchen table, hopping on one foot and then the other, all the while eyeing those dark chocolate treats as they cooled.  And they never cooled fast enough!

But eventually they would cool and that sweet dear woman would hand us one, still warm, and we would take that first bite of the brownie and we knew that there was a heaven.

For many homemakers, it is becoming harder and harder to find the time to bake.  As most of us know, the two-earner family is more common today than it ever has been.  Baking takes time, and many are unable to devote extra hours to this activity.  It takes time to gather up the ingredients, prepare the ingredients, and then the actual oven time on top of that.  For many families, baking is simply not an option.

Thankfully, The Metropolitan Bakery can do the work for you now.  This is an online bakery that has perfected the art of the brownie.  Chef and owner Carmen Paponetti, has spent years developing his skills in baking and now he shares that experience and expertise with the general pubic through his online bakery.

A visit to the site will immediately show you just how well he has mastered his craft.  His gourmet treats come in many different flavor varieties and combinations.  All of his baked goods are made with only the highest quality ingredients, and he uses the world famous Ghirardelli chocolates.  When all of this is put together by a master baker, the resulting brownie is simply delicious.

The Metropolitan Bakery makes it easy for you to order as well.  They have a simple, yet effective, ordering system that allows you place an order and track it if need be.  All orders are shipped via United Parcel Service (UPS).  They package their gourmet treats in such a way that they can guarantee freshness upon arrival at your home or office.  They have also been kind enough to write up a helpful tip sheet on how you can best keep your purchase fresh once you get it.

It is true there are other online bakeries, but you might be hard pressed to find another one that offers so many varieties at such affordable prices.  And, again, these are gourmet quality items, and the proof is in the taste and texture of each item that they send out.

Stop by and explore the many kinds of baked goods The Metropolitan Bakery offers.  There is sure to be something there for everyone!

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